HIMA Black Horse K1412B module remote I/O is equipped with safety related inputs. The input values of the HIMA dark horse K1412B module are securely transmitted to the connected controller via secure Ethernet. If the device detects a fault on the digital input, the user program will handle the low level based on the power-off trip principle. Activate the FAULT LED on the device. In addition to channel signal values, user programs must also consider corresponding error codes. Error codes allow users to configure additional fault responses in the user program.

The safety related F1 DI 16 01 remote I/O of HIMA Black Horse K1412B module is a compact system with a metal casing, featuring 16 digital inputs and 4 pulse outputs. There are two models of remote I/O available for SILworX and two models for ELOP II Factory. This manual describes all variants. Remote I/O is used to extend the I/O level of HIMax and HIMatrix controllers and connect to them via secure Ethernet. HIMA Black Horse K1412B module remote I/O itself cannot run user programs. HIMA Dark Horse remote I/O does not support multiple controllers. Remote I/O is suitable for installation in Exzone 2, and the HIMA Black Horse K1412B module has been certified by T Ü V. The HIMA Black Horse K1412B module is suitable for safety related applications, with a maximum SIL of 3 (IEC 61508, IEC 61511, and IEC 62061), Cat. 4 (EN 954-1), and PL e (EN ISO 13849-1). Further safety standards.