The 3500 protection system produced by Bentley Company in the United States is a computerized vibration information system that provides necessary information on the mechanical status of rotating and reciprocating machinery, such as unbalance, misalignment, shaft cracks, and bearing failures, providing reliable basis for early detection of mechanical problems. This safety monitoring device is used to continuously monitor various parameters of the unit body, including speed, axial displacement, differential expansion, bearing cover vibration, phase detection, shaft vibration, cylinder absolute expansion, eccentricity, etc. The measurement points of the system have independent monitoring circuits and alarm setpoints. Each measurement module has an analog output function.
The 3500 system adopts B N company series eddy current sensors and speed sensors. 8mm eddy current sensor is used for eccentricity and phase detection measurement. An 8mm eddy current sensor is used for axial displacement measurement. 35mm proximity sensor is used for measuring differential expansion. Use 8mm eddy current sensors for shaft vibration from 1 # to 8 #. Use a 50mm eddy current sensor for shaft expansion.

The main components of the 3500 system are as follows:
1 Power module 3500/15
The 3500 power supply is a half height module and must be installed in a specially designed slot on the left side of the frame. The 3500 frame can accommodate one or two power sources. Any power source can supply power to the entire framework. If there are two power sources, the second power source can be used as a redundancy for the basic power source. As long as a redundant power supply is installed, removing or installing another power module will not affect the operation of the framework.
2 Framework Interface Modules 3500/22
The framework interface module is the basic interface of the 3500 framework, which supports the protocol developed by Bentley Nevada for communication with the framework. The RS-232 serial communication port on its front panel can be directly connected to a computer for communication, allowing the configuration of the framework to be done through dedicated software on the computer. The framework interface module must be placed in the first slot of the framework (adjacent to the power module). The operation of the framework interface module has no impact on the normal operation of the entire monitoring system. Each framework requires a framework interface module.
3 Keyphasor Module 3500/25
The Keyphasor module is a half height, two channel module used to provide key phase signals for the eccentricity monitoring module in the 3500 framework. This module receives input signals from eddy current sensors or electromagnetic sensors and converts them into digital key phase signals.
4 16 channel relay module 3500/33
The 16 channel relay module is a full height module that can provide the output of 16 relays. Any number of 16 channel relay modules can be placed in any slot on the right side of the frame interface module. Each output of the 16 channel relay module can be independently programmed to execute the required voting logic. Each relay on the 16 channel relay module has an “alarm drive logic”. This alarm driver logic can be programmed with “AND gate” and “OR gate” logic. And the alarm output provided by any monitoring module channel or any combination of monitoring module channels in the framework can be utilized. The alarm driver logic application framework configuration software programming can meet the special needs of the application.
5 Displacement, velocity, and acceleration modules 3500/42
The 3500/42 displacement, velocity, and acceleration monitoring module is a four channel monitor that can receive signals from displacement, velocity, and acceleration sensors. By using these signals, it can issue alarms. It can be programmed using 3500 framework configuration software. It can perform various functions such as radial vibration, axial displacement, eccentricity, differential expansion, acceleration, and velocity measurement. Our factory uses 3500/42 modules for measuring axial displacement, axial vibration, tile vibration, and eccentricity.
6 Displacement, velocity, and acceleration modules 3500/45
The 3500/45 position monitoring module is a four channel monitoring module that can receive inputs from proximity type eddy current sensors, DC linear differential transformers, AC linear differential transformers, and rotary potentiometers, and can use these inputs to drive alarms. Our factory uses 3500/45 modules for the differential expansion between high and low cylinders.
7 3500 configuration software
3500 Configuration Software – Rack Configuration Software is the human-machine interface between the 3500 system and users. The software is installed in the Windows operating system and the installation process is no different from general software. After the software is installed, connect the computer to the 3500 system using a dedicated cable for system configuration.
The more comprehensive names and functions are as follows:
3500 software
3500/01 3500/02 3500/03
3500/05 System Framework
3500/06 protective box
3500/08 Fault Diagnosis Connection Panel
3500 internal safety barrier
3500 Electrical Insulation Device Interface
3500/15 power supply
3500/20 Framework Interface Module
3500/22M Framework Interface Module with TDI
3500/25 Keyphasor Module
3500/32 4-channel relay module
3500/34 TMR Relay Module
3500/40MProximitor? Displacement monitor
3500/42M displacement/velocity acceleration monitoring
3500/44M Aerodynamic Monitor
3500/45 Differential Expansion/Axial Position Monitor
3500/46M Hydroelectric Monitor
3500/50 speed module
3500/53 overspeed detection module
3500/60 and 3500/61 temperature monitors
3500/62 Process Variable Monitor
3500/64M Dynamic Pressure Monitor
3500/72M piston rod position monitor
3500/77M cylinder pressure monitor
3500/90 Communication Gateway
3500/92 Communication Gateway
3500/93 LCD display device
3500/94 VGA display device
3500/95 User Interface Workstation