3.1 Logical Operations
The core of a combinational logic controller is logical operations, including AND operations, OR operations, NOT operations, XOR operations, etc. These logical operations are the foundation for implementing the functions of a combinational logic controller.

3.2 Logical Expressions
A logical expression is a mathematical expression that describes the relationship between an input signal and an output signal. In combinational logic controllers, logical expressions are usually represented in the form of Boolean algebra.
3.3 Boolean Algebra
Boolean algebra is a mathematical method used to describe logical operations. In Boolean algebra, logical operations can be represented as algebraic operations on Boolean variables. The basic operations of Boolean algebra include AND, OR, NOT, etc.
3.4 Simplification of Logic Circuits
When designing a combinational logic controller, in order to reduce the complexity and cost of the circuit, it is usually necessary to simplify the logic circuit. The simplification methods of logic circuits include the simplification rules of Boolean algebra, Karnaugh map method, etc.