The function of a stepper driver is to sequentially adjust the current entering the motor phase winding to generate the desired motion. The switch scheme used in the driver (full step, half step, small step or micro step) combined with the mechanical structure of the motor determines the system resolution of the number of steps/revolutions per revolution of the motor. Although thermal factors ultimately limit the maximum torque of a given motor/drive system, the torque generated at high speeds largely depends on the driver’s ability to overcome motor winding inductance and quickly introduce maximum current into the phase winding without overheating.

Communication input stepper motor driver
The AC input stepper motor driver provides excellent torque characteristics over a wide speed range from low to high, offering a large speed ratio. When used in conjunction with AlphaStep AZ series (absolute mechanical encoder) motors, it supports closed-loop control without gain tuning or oscillation issues. AlphaStep AR series 2 (built-in decomposer) motors achieve excellent control.
All communication input stepper motor drivers have advanced micro step (smooth drive) control from Dongfang Electric. These drivers provide electromagnetic braking control for vertical operation through our bending 1 product group, which offers pulse input or data storage (network) type